Hi! Everyone, this week's FEATURED ARTIST OF THE WEEK is the very talented singer-songwriter, musician & producer JELLY CLEAVER JELLY CLEAVER Please introduce yourself I’m a singer-songwriter, jazz guitarist and producer. I’m also an activist and this really influences my music and the lyrics I write. I love lots of different genres so have quite an eclectic style and like to throw myself into different music scenes. I’m really into the jazz scene and the punk/DIY scene in London at the moment. How did you get into music? I started playing guitar as soon as I could hold one pretty much because my dad was a guitar teacher, and I’ve always had a really deep connection to music. I’ve tried lots of different aspects of music out though, from leading an African singing and drumming ensemble to starting a rock band. I just love music in all its forms. What instruments do you play? Guitar’s my first instrument but when I’m recording my own mu